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Friday, May 11, 2007

To whom that might want to join...

We had a pretty good turn out, even with the time change. Actually it is quite nice playing later when the heat has subsided a bit. Landon has been very supportive and is really trying his best to get us a back stop for home plate! Hope to see you all Sunday and bring a friend. We have tables, chairs, and shade for spectators. Ice cold beer (provided by The Tavern) and water (sometimes even soft drinks if the collection plate is more than 750,000 vnd) Per player fee is only 50,000 vnd that helps pay for the field and water: RMIT in district 7. We provide all the equipment, balls, bats, gloves, bases. Please keep the dogs on a leash and the beer off the field. Thanks to all.... -- Bob 090.827.3534